Radiation Protection Pendant

fifth power-radiation protection pendantThe energy pendant “Fifth Power” is a portable harmonizing biofield device.

How Can One Use the Pendant?

For the pendant to work properly, it does not have to be worn around the neck. Skin contact may trigger an allergic skin reaction. It is better to wear it on a garment.

If you plan to wear the pendant around your neck, it is best to shorten the cord so that it goes tight over your head.
The product can also be used as a key ring or decorative accessory to clothing. It can also be carried in a purse.
The pendant works on a person when they find themselves in the presence of its energy field.


radiation protection pendant 5gradiation-protection-5G-front
The Radiation Protection Pendant 5G is made for complete electromagnetic shielding.

How Does One Use the Pendant?

For the pendant to work properly it needs to be worn in a way where the triangle with numbers and letters is facing inwards, towards the body. The electronic circuits, however, must be turned outwards.

You can put it under the pillow in a way where the triangle with numbers and letters is facing up toward the head.
It doesn’t work if you wear it on a black garment. Don’t put it into the water.
